I'll give you a few examples of this motherhood weirdness.
- Today, as I type even, I am wearing one sock. Why? I have no clue! How did I end up with only one sock on? I have no clue! All I know is that I left the house to go grocery shopping with two black socks on and eventually ended up with one bare foot. When did I realize this? When I walked into the kitchen and the tile was cold on only one foot. I thought to myself... "why, how the hell did that happen?" And better yet, "When?" Neither question I could answer. I never did put the sock back on, but I didn't take the other off either, so I sit here typing this blog with one sock on and one sock off. I think this falls into the "some things just aren't as important anymore" category.
- The silly faces. The ugly faces. The absolutely, "what the hell are you doing" faces. Yes, even though I am out in public, I still make faces at Griffin. He still needs to be entertained. Just because we aren't in the confines of our own home, does not mean that he needs any less attention. So, I give it to him. Maybe not always at the best of times. I find myself standing in line at the grocery store making faces at him. I stick my tongue out. I raise my eyebrows. I cross my eyes. I do anything to elicit a smile. I'm sure the people around me think I'm a crazy lady who has left the house with uncombed hair and no makeup. If they have children, I'm hoping they understand.......... And if you don't and you see me making these faces, don't judge me! : )
- When I think maybe, just maybe, Griffin could handle sitting in his lamb seat for a bit, I attempt to take a shower. What makes this weird or strange? You think, "hey every mom does this" just wait...... I shower with the back half of the shower curtain open. Why? Because Griffin feels the need to see me at all times or he lets you know he is ANGRY! Most times I shower when my husband is home so he can hang out with the rugrat, but today I was desperate for a hot shower. So I gathered up the little guy, buckled him in his seat and ran the little bit of hot water our house has. I jumped in, preparing to rush through a shower. Preparing to only hope that I got all the conditioner rinsed out of my hair. With the shower curtain half open though, Griffin allowed me a rather relaxing cleanse. I was shocked and surprised.... and incredibly thankful! Moms with infants know this dilemma of "to shower... or not to shower." Today, I got to shower. The floor might have gotten a little wet, but today I got to shower!
But... what mother wouldn't deal with all those thing for a simple smile! |
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