Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby fuel for my little monster

While I was still pregnant, I had decided that I was going to make Griffin's baby food. I did some research and found that it was actually much easier than I expected. So, the pregnancy continued.... Griff was born.... 5 months later, the food making began.

I received a baby food maker: it steams, purees, and sanitizes all in one machine. I was that much more hyped about taking on this very important nutritional adventure for my son. I also received a baby food cookbook as a Christmas gift that has served me well thus far. Armed with loads of knowledge and machinery.... Off to the grocery store I went.

Whole foods is a glorious heaven! I always envisioned myself strolling through the produce section with Grffin in the shopping cart just looking around at all the colors. Today, that happened. With the diaper bag packed, Griff in his car seat, yes of course some whining occured, and our list of baby food ingredients in hand...we were off!

Griffin has tried a wide variety of fruits and veggies, so this trip was extra fun. I was able to pick lots of things that he could have throughout the week, instead of the same old thing 4 days in a row. I loaded my arms with so many plastic bags for the produce, I couldn't help but smile a little. Why? I was taking all these healthy, bright colored fruits and veggies and teaching my little guy healthy eating (I should take note myself.........) I believe he truly enjoys eating. There has been only one thing that he just would not eat, spinach. (I am going to mix it in with sweet potatoes in the future and see if that makes a difference.) I got butternut squash, zucchini, carrots, nectarines, pears, bananas, a mango, blueberries, apples, sweet potatoes.... He loves them all.

When I think about how important nutrition is, I can't help but be proud of sticking to making Griffin's food. 5 years ago I wouldn't have even thought about making Griffin's food. I would have just given him the jar stuff that is on all the shelves at grocery stores. My husband says it's because I actually care about the food that fuels my little monster. It matters to me that Griff is as healthy as he can be. It matters to me that he gets the nutrients that he needs to keep playing as hard as he does. I love going shopping for his food. I love peeling and chopping and cooking his food. But most of all, I love seeing the look on his face when he gets something good for lunch or dinner. I love knowing that I am contributing to his healthy self.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much. I am glad that you were able to start making his baby food! I am currently pregnant with my 4th baby, and this is a goal of mine with him. I did not do this with my older 3, mainly because I was never educated on it and knew nothing about it. I really hope that it works out for me as well as it has for you.
