Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas came and went

Christmas came and went.... some would say too fast, but for me, it was just right.  I would even go as far as saying that we, at least I think so, had a perfect day!  Of course I was up around 3:30 to a little guy who required some food, or boob as I like to say.  Afterward, to the swing and couch we went.  Around 7:15, Griffin started to fuss a bit in his swing.  I don't think I've ever heard my husband's feet hit the floor and be downstairs so fast.  Apparently I wasn't the only one excited for Christmas this year.  He had Griffin out of that swing so fast!  It was adorable how excited he was considering last year he was a bit of a scrooge. I guess that's what a baby will do to you.  And so began the ripping of tape and tossing of paper. 

We had such a good time opening Griffin's presents and sharing with him the toys that he will hopefully enjoy over the next year.  

 After we were finished with gifts, we settled down to enjoy some quiet time.  Griff had his second, or maybe fourth (I lose count after a while) breakfast and was down for a snooze.  This allowed my husband and I some much needed time to ourselves to do whatever we felt like doing.  He to his "man-cave" and me to my studio.  I finally had the opportunity to get some sewing in.  I'm going to try and conquer some stuffed animals (an update and pictures to follow on that subject).  

A new tradition.... breakfast for lunch.  By the time we realized neither of us had eaten yet it was almost 2:30. Eggs were frying while, again, I fed my tiny candy cane.  I'm kind of excited to start some new "Christmas day" things.  Not only did we have breakfast for lunch, but we didn't have the "normal" Christmas dinner.  No turkey roasting in the oven.  No ham in the Crock Pot.  What did we have you might ask?  Homemade macaroni and cheese with BBQ chicken.  It's food we love and it's no fuss.  With a three month old, you kind of have to limit some of the things you cook. So, I find myself wondering if Mac and Cheese with BBQ chicken will be our Christmas dinner for years to come.  Only time will tell on that one.  Things come in threes, so as our third food tradition............... Chocolate covered cherries.  YUM!  An easy dessert to make after a long day of paper tossing and movie watching.  

All in all, today has been a day to remember.  We are happy.  We are healthy.  We are a family who has had our first Christmas together.  I sit here now, at my kitchen table, looking at my lit Christmas tree.  I'm just a tad sad that it has come to an end.  In a few short days the decorations will be stored for another year, the lights taken down from outside and the tree discarded.  But, then I think of all the fun to have next year with a 15 month old......... and I can't help but smile for another year to come. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sappy and totally Cliche....

Oh the holiday has arrived and it's everything that I hoped it would be.  Well except being surrounded by family, but we brought that upon ourselves when my husband and I decided not to travel for the holiday.  We wanted to start our very own traditions for this special holiday with our new little guy.  I wanted to wake up in my own bed and walk down my own stairs (or wake up on my couch with Griffin in his swing) to a tree surrounded by presents.

Over the last few months, I was wondering how Christmas would go.  Everyone says that with an infant, the first Christmas doesn't really matter because he or she won't remember it.  Well, that's what pictures are for and when traditions start.  I can say "we did such and such for your first Christmas, here is a picture to prove it."  My husband and I bought Griffin presents that he'll use throughout the year.  Yes, most of them he has no use for currently, but soon he will need something to develop his motor skills.  We got stacking cups and board books, toys for teething and a light and sound maker.  Of course we also purchased a bunch of clothes as well.  When it came to the wrapping of such gifts I found myself wondering if I'd be a horrible parent by putting most of the clothes and a few toys in one big box.  Considering the fact that I'd be the one wrapping and unwrapping, I didn't think this would be a huge issue. 

On to my sappy section.  Tonight, Christmas Eve, while I was making dinner, my husband had Griffin in the computer room listening to and watching various videos of nursery rhymes and kids songs.  I found myself a little choked up to think this was my life.  I have a wonderful husband sitting in the other room with a very healthy three month old little boy listening to tunes of my youth.  I have a lit Christmas tree with loads of presents underneath.  I have a house decorated for a holiday that a few years ago didn't mean as much as it does today and will tomorrow.  I was singing along to the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Row Row Row Your Boat while mixing together Meatloaf.  I never would have thought, this time last year, this is where I would be.  It's kind of surreal for me.  I'm a Wife.  I'm a Mom.  I'm Santa.

And last but not least.... my cliche.  I could not have asked for a better present this year.  I have my happy, healthy little family.  There isn't enough wrapping paper in the world that could cover this gift.  I am content.  I am overjoyed.  I am excited for all the years to come of Christmas fun!

Griffin's very first Christmas.  He wasn't too thrilled with the hat, but endured it just for us.  I'm sure he'll thank me for this picture when I'm showing his girlfriend in later years. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Car Rides are a Dread!

The word hate can not even come close to describing how Griffin feels about being in the car.  Maybe abhor or loathe closer relates to how he feels about being strapped into that uncomfortable little seat, facing a very boring back seat material.  I guess I would probably feel the same.....

Yesterday we went out to start and finish Christmas shopping for my husband.  I was leery of this outing because of the many stops- the frequent in and out of the car- that we were going to have to endure.  I have been putting off shopping because I know how much Griffin dislikes being in the backseat all by himself.  When my husband goes with us, one of us will ride in the back so Griffin has some entertainment, but I couldn't shop for my husband if he was with us....  It would be an understatement to say that we had an awful ride home.  I had to endure a very LONG 20 minute ride home.  The entire ride home, he screamed.  I mean death screams.  Screams like I might have been plucking his tiny toes from his feet and feeding them to our dog as treats.  (that's a mental image for everyone.....)  Every once and awhile he'd stop screaming long enough to catch his breath, realize that, "yes we were still moving, Mom is still singing in the front seat, and no we were not home yet... okay, I'm going to continue to wail" 

Here is the issue I have with this screaming, crying, complaining while he is back there all alone.  I feel like a horrible parent for making my child endure this very traumatic experience.  I know that we must get out of the house.  I know that we have to get errands done.  But, knowing that being in the back, by himself makes him so upset, I find myself finding reasons to stay home.  Let me say this, Griffin is rarely ever alone.  When we are home, he is always attached to me one way or another whether it be via Moby Sling or in my arms.  I'll even go as far as saying that I feel bad when I have to put him down just so I can use the bathroom. So, in conclusion, I know that his feelings about being in the car aren't because he hates the movement, but rather because he does not like to be alone.  When one of us is back there, he is most times just fine.  He'll smile or look out the window.  I just can't wait for this being with someone at all times, needy phase goes away.  Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling and holding my little guy, but sometimes I need a break.  You'll hear everyone say to enjoy these times because there will be a day when he will no longer want to sit with me or snuggle, but right now I can't think that far ahead.  I'm stuck with the fact that every time we're in the car, all we listen to is his wailing.............

Monday, December 13, 2010

A true love........ my Moby Wrap

Oh how I love thee........

I would just like to scream from the rooftops....  or my current location of the computer chair, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Moby Wrap.  I now know, that I shall never leave the house without it.  And if for some reason I do, I will make a valiant effort to turn back for it.

Today, while at my parent's house, without our hero the swing, Griffin would not go down for a nap long enough to stave off the crankiness.  Solution... Moby Wrap!  I strapped that sucker on and got Griffin situated.  I rocked, bounced, swayed him to a blissful sleep.  Within 10 minutes or less, he was sound asleep, nuzzled against my breasts.  To him, he was in Heaven!

Without my Moby Wrap, I know that I could have and would have gotten him to sleep, but not the type of sleep that would allow him to completely relax and get some serious shut eye.  I now rely on that thing to help make my life a little easier.  Isn't that the way things work..... anything to make life easier.  I have said it many times, but that Moby Wrap is my solution to a lot of things.  It just does the trick.  So, to all you Mommy-to Be's out there..... I strongly encourage you to purchase a Moby.  It may look difficult to wear, but worth the little bit of hassle to get situated.  It's a baby carrier that allows you the closest hold with your baby.  Without mine, I think I would definitely have less hair than I do now- which I'm pretty positive, my husband wouldn't be too happy about.

Over the river and through the woods.........

Ahh, so there I was, sitting in the back seat of my husband's two door Nissan with my finger in the dam also known as Griffin's mouth.  If my finger got loose we'd be deafened by the outrageous sound of his cries.  We were just hoping for a nap....

A nap was what we got.  Thankfully.  A three hour nap at that.  A glorious respite.  Well from Griffin at least.  The dog- another story.  I found myself shhhh-ing the dog and telling him it was okay, similar to what I do to soothe Griffin.  I also even started patting his back.

A quick stop at the Maryland House rest stop was all we needed on our four and a half hour trek to my parent's house.

Overall, the ride was a success.  It went far better then I expected considering that every other time we're in the car we are entertained with a wide range of screams, cries, whimpers and whines.  And yes, there is a difference.  Before parenthood, I would have thought otherwise.  I could even say we arrived with a happy, smiley baby.  Of course his G-ma would say that it was strictly because he was visiting her.... which is probably very true.

So, over the river and through the woods to G-ma's house we went... and it went very well.  Now let's hope that the trip back is nothing different.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A brief listen........

This morning, as I lay cocooned in a VERY large blanket on the couch, Griffin was waking up from his slumber.  His Papa came to the rescue and decided he'd give him a bottle that I pumped.  Oh what a life saver.  I was not ready to be awake to the world. 

What happened was this.... Chatter, banter, dialog back and forth between my husband and Griffin. A communication between two special people... one side you can understand and the other is a jumble of mumbles, babbling and repetitive sounds that only to him makes sense. It was heartwarming to hear my little man finally communicating with his Papa.  As of lately, Griffin is going through a "mommy only" phase.   I am hoping that it's progress with baby liking his Papa, but only time will tell..........

Old picture, but such a good one!

Holiday Oreos

Alas, up early again this morning...... So instead of fighting to try and get Griffin back to sleep in his own room, we came downstairs for the magical swing. Once again, snuggled warm, full belly, and clean diaper-Griffin was fast asleep in the swing that works wonders. I then decided that I wanted something in my belly. Oh no, nothing nutritious for me. I turned to double stuff, holiday Oreos. Yes, shame on me, but damn, being up at 4am should warrant me a reward! So, I grabbed 2 red centered Oreos and climbed under my blanket on the couch and enjoyed my treat. But here is my question of the day....... Why are red centered Oreos more appealing to me? And the holiday decor on one side is just so cheery! Well, off to dreamland I shall attempt to go while the little guy enjoys his sleep time.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A few lessons learned today.

I had decided this morning that I was not going to let Griffin's crankiness get in the way of me leaving the house. So, I got the car packed with all the baby gear one needs when leaving the house for more than 10 minutes. I don't think I ever realized that you'd have to pack enough stuff that probably wouldn't even fit in a carry on luggage bag! Well, alas, off we went, to do some Christmas shopping. Surprisingly, my little guy made it halfway there and fell asleep. Why surprisingly? Because usually he screams until we reach our destination. Once we arrived at the mall, I put Griffin in carseat in the stroller. Now on to my lessons learned...

1) Griffin can stick his lower lip so far out you could probably sit one of those "Elf On A Shelf" elves on it. We were in Old Navy, buying jammies when he decided to wake up. I looked down to a very pissed off little boy with his lip hanging to his chin. Solution, Moby Sling!! He sat there with his lip extended, with tears in his eyes while I got myself situated with the moby. In he went. All was well. Off to a few more stores. I then realized I had to use the restroom. My next lesson....

2) Be careful when using the toilet with the moby on! Why? Because when I wear mine, I tie the extra in the back, which hangs down about 2 feet. Hmmmmm, we ALMOST had a wet moby. I realized just in time! The next time I went, in Target, I remembered to tuck in the extra.

3)While in Barnes and Noble, shopping for little books for Griffin for Christmas, I came to the realization that this will be the only Christmas I will be able to shop for him while he is with me. Next year he will be 15 months old by Christmas time and I'm sure, grabbing at any toy he can manage to reach. Ah, I can't even think that far ahead!

And my last lesson.........

4) Breatfeeding in the front seat of a two door cavalier isn't all that hard. Griffin was hungry and I still needed to tackle the lines at Target. So, breastfeeding in my car seemed the best possible answer. I got him from his car seat, put my diaperbag/purse on my lap, put Griffin on top of said bag, and there we were, nursing in a Target parking lot. I was going to try and make it to the dressing room, but didn't want to carry a screaming baby through the store. Plus, I left the car running and Christmas music on. We had ourselves a nice little setting. Downside....... No matter where you park during the holiday, there are always cars around and watch for street lamps. Next time I will be more observant.

So all in all, today was a day of lessons learned. It wasn't a horrible trip. We were actually out of the house for 3 hours. The longest without the accompaniment of another person. I would say it went well!

i never knew..... or no one ever told me.

I never knew I'd miss my own bed. I say this because more times than not, I have ended up sleeping anywhere other than my own, glorious king size bed. I have ended up on the couch at 5 am, while Griffin gets some much needed shut eye in his swing. Or I've ended up attempting to sleep on the slightly uncomfortable spare bed in Griffin's room. Why would I sleep there? Because on the nights that Griff decides he wants to spit his pacifier out the second I get comfortable in my warm bed, which the dog has kept warm for me, I must return to Griff's crib side and begin the soothing process all over again. After the 4th time... It's just easier to sleep 3 feet away instead of the next room over. Where on my trek back, the floor boards creak or I bump into the baby gate.

So there I was this morning, sleeping, wrapped up in blankets on the couch in the living room. Griffin refused to go back to sleep in his room, so down to our trusty old swing. He was warm, had a full belly and a clean diaper... Off to dreamland he went. So again, I was robbed of waking up next to my adorable Des and my handsome husband. But, then I stop and think, well at least Griff is sleeping, so maybe we'll have a day of happy baby. That makes the couch worth it.

They tell you, you won't get much sleep. Well I get decent sleep, just not in my own bed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Day of Firsts

So, as I sit here and nurse my little lion man, I reflect on our day of firsts. Today I decided to start my very own blog. A blog of all things mommyhood, growth, annoyances, and things to say hooray about! In order to create this blog I had to first find the time to park my un-excercised fanny in front of the computer. Not an easy feat with a 12 week old who rarely likes to sit on his own. My solution to that..... Strap him in my moby sling and hope for the best. We got about 10 mins in and the whining ensued. My solution to that..... Mumford and Sons. I got instant results! Mumford and Sons has been our go to for getting Griffin's attention. He enjoyed their incredible lyrics and my horrific singing for about 15 minutes and fell asleep. So there I was,left to develop my very first blog. The process of creating one, easy. The process of thinking of a title... Daunting. Almost as bad as thinking about going to the grocery store with a cranky 12 week old. I settled on TinyTubChatter. The meaning I'm sure you are wondering. Botticello, my married name, means little barrel. I decided to change it a bit with a visit to a thesaurus and came up with TinyTub. As for the chatter, well that's what I'm doing. Chatting about this and that.

After I had my title, I was ready to start blogging, but Griffin decided this was a good time for a marathon nursing session. As I sat in the chair that I think I'm going to start referring to as my throne, I thought about how personal I was willing to be with this new endeavor. I have since decided to just write, or type rather, whatever comes to mind. I will share things that just come to mind. Things that might help other moms. Things that make you laugh, or things that just keep you up to date in the life of our little Botticello family.

So, I'm sure that you are wondering, or maybe not, what our other first was. Griffin thought that today might be a good day to let out his first real giggle. We were sitting on our nursing throne, chatting back and forth. I leaned down and nibbled on his toes, I looked up to see a beautiful gummy smile, followed by the greatest sound in the world... A genuine baby giggle. Oh, the emotional wreck I've been lately, burst into tears. Let me just say that the last two weeks have been a bit rough around here. A lot of fussiness and a downright grumpy baby, but that giggle made the last two weeks worth it. I'm now learning that's how mommyhood works. Hard days/weeks will happen, but so will smiles and hugs and toothless giggles. Oh I'm so looking forward to the next time I get to hear that happy sound escape my little man.

Okay Okay, I'm done my first marathon blog. I hope I've intrigued you all. I hope you all decide to come back as frequently as you like and enjoy my ramblings and chatter.