Sunday, December 19, 2010

Car Rides are a Dread!

The word hate can not even come close to describing how Griffin feels about being in the car.  Maybe abhor or loathe closer relates to how he feels about being strapped into that uncomfortable little seat, facing a very boring back seat material.  I guess I would probably feel the same.....

Yesterday we went out to start and finish Christmas shopping for my husband.  I was leery of this outing because of the many stops- the frequent in and out of the car- that we were going to have to endure.  I have been putting off shopping because I know how much Griffin dislikes being in the backseat all by himself.  When my husband goes with us, one of us will ride in the back so Griffin has some entertainment, but I couldn't shop for my husband if he was with us....  It would be an understatement to say that we had an awful ride home.  I had to endure a very LONG 20 minute ride home.  The entire ride home, he screamed.  I mean death screams.  Screams like I might have been plucking his tiny toes from his feet and feeding them to our dog as treats.  (that's a mental image for everyone.....)  Every once and awhile he'd stop screaming long enough to catch his breath, realize that, "yes we were still moving, Mom is still singing in the front seat, and no we were not home yet... okay, I'm going to continue to wail" 

Here is the issue I have with this screaming, crying, complaining while he is back there all alone.  I feel like a horrible parent for making my child endure this very traumatic experience.  I know that we must get out of the house.  I know that we have to get errands done.  But, knowing that being in the back, by himself makes him so upset, I find myself finding reasons to stay home.  Let me say this, Griffin is rarely ever alone.  When we are home, he is always attached to me one way or another whether it be via Moby Sling or in my arms.  I'll even go as far as saying that I feel bad when I have to put him down just so I can use the bathroom. So, in conclusion, I know that his feelings about being in the car aren't because he hates the movement, but rather because he does not like to be alone.  When one of us is back there, he is most times just fine.  He'll smile or look out the window.  I just can't wait for this being with someone at all times, needy phase goes away.  Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling and holding my little guy, but sometimes I need a break.  You'll hear everyone say to enjoy these times because there will be a day when he will no longer want to sit with me or snuggle, but right now I can't think that far ahead.  I'm stuck with the fact that every time we're in the car, all we listen to is his wailing.............

1 comment:

  1. Amber, if anyone understands, it is me! Anyone who has ever driven with me when Olivia was an infant will agree, it was hell. Every single time we went anywhere, the whole entire car ride. Whether it was 10 minutes, or an hour!! The wailing you described was endless! I remember one time I pulled in my driveway, after the screaming the.whole.time... I shut the car door and for a brief moment it was silent! And I had a fleeting thought of leaving her in the car! It was awful. Awful awful.... something I don't ever want to relive. Just know it will not last forever!
