Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas came and went

Christmas came and went.... some would say too fast, but for me, it was just right.  I would even go as far as saying that we, at least I think so, had a perfect day!  Of course I was up around 3:30 to a little guy who required some food, or boob as I like to say.  Afterward, to the swing and couch we went.  Around 7:15, Griffin started to fuss a bit in his swing.  I don't think I've ever heard my husband's feet hit the floor and be downstairs so fast.  Apparently I wasn't the only one excited for Christmas this year.  He had Griffin out of that swing so fast!  It was adorable how excited he was considering last year he was a bit of a scrooge. I guess that's what a baby will do to you.  And so began the ripping of tape and tossing of paper. 

We had such a good time opening Griffin's presents and sharing with him the toys that he will hopefully enjoy over the next year.  

 After we were finished with gifts, we settled down to enjoy some quiet time.  Griff had his second, or maybe fourth (I lose count after a while) breakfast and was down for a snooze.  This allowed my husband and I some much needed time to ourselves to do whatever we felt like doing.  He to his "man-cave" and me to my studio.  I finally had the opportunity to get some sewing in.  I'm going to try and conquer some stuffed animals (an update and pictures to follow on that subject).  

A new tradition.... breakfast for lunch.  By the time we realized neither of us had eaten yet it was almost 2:30. Eggs were frying while, again, I fed my tiny candy cane.  I'm kind of excited to start some new "Christmas day" things.  Not only did we have breakfast for lunch, but we didn't have the "normal" Christmas dinner.  No turkey roasting in the oven.  No ham in the Crock Pot.  What did we have you might ask?  Homemade macaroni and cheese with BBQ chicken.  It's food we love and it's no fuss.  With a three month old, you kind of have to limit some of the things you cook. So, I find myself wondering if Mac and Cheese with BBQ chicken will be our Christmas dinner for years to come.  Only time will tell on that one.  Things come in threes, so as our third food tradition............... Chocolate covered cherries.  YUM!  An easy dessert to make after a long day of paper tossing and movie watching.  

All in all, today has been a day to remember.  We are happy.  We are healthy.  We are a family who has had our first Christmas together.  I sit here now, at my kitchen table, looking at my lit Christmas tree.  I'm just a tad sad that it has come to an end.  In a few short days the decorations will be stored for another year, the lights taken down from outside and the tree discarded.  But, then I think of all the fun to have next year with a 15 month old......... and I can't help but smile for another year to come. 

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