Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ugh, how I'm feeling.....

I have so many different emotions and feelings going on. Sometimes it's scary how quickly I can go from one to another. It is something like this... Happy, sad, frustrated, alone, excited, sad, happy, lonely, productive, lazy, happy, angry, confused, lost, elated, defeated, creative, happy...... And it just continues on and on like that on repeat for days. It is not all geared toward Griffin or any one particular event or situation. It is just the way my moods work. I try to get out of the house. I go on walks. I spend time in my studio. Some days I feel like I have nothing to say- like my sole responsibility is to take care of Griffin. Some days I can't shut up with excitement for something new. The ups and downs really kind of stink! Is it depression..... Absolutely. What can I do about it? It is a problem I am working on solving because something needs to change.....

Okay, just thought I'd share that stream of thoughts. No need to be alarmed, I truly am okay, just learning how to live life a different way.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's been just a little bit......

It has been quite a bit of time since my last blog...mostly because I have been busy. Really busy. I have thought about my blog... I have intended to write, but something has always come up. I was busy for a long time dealing with Griffin's neediness and crazy sleeping schedules. Then I finally started getting more time to myself, so I started my Etsy shop back up, selling stuffed animals. In addition to all that, I was battling a slight case of depression. Well maybe more than a slight case....Nonetheless, I was miserable, cranky, and often times a complete bitch! But I guess that is just what life decided to hand me.

Over the last 2 months or so Griffin has developed and learned a great deal. He has rolled over, started to belly crawl and really move around the living room. He has also become very vocal and bossy. He sits and plays. He is eating homemade baby food and really enjoying it. The big achievement for me..... He has finally decided that bedtime isn't terrible. We still have our nights, but it's so much better than it used to be!

It has been a rough few months, but it seems to be getting better. We are now at 6 months and I can't believe we have come this far. It's kinda crazy to think that I am the mom of a 6 month old!