Friday, January 7, 2011

Great Expectations.......

Expectations.... Milestones..... Achievements....

Has he yet?  Does he do? Does he have? The questions that will come up throughout Griffin's development as a tiny human.  It's hard as a parent, well at least for me, to try and remember that an infant's development is unique.  I have to keep reminding myself that because one infant rolled over at 2 and a half months, does not necessarily mean Griffin will be rolling over.  And on top of that... that nothing is wrong with that fact.  Just because one infant is getting teeth at 3 and a half months and Griffin has none, does not mean that Griffin is behind.  It just means that his body was/is not yet ready.  It's hard as a parent to remind myself that things will develop in time.  I have to stop comparing Griffin to the statistics of where a baby is in expectations and milestones.  He is unique and his own little person.  He will cut teeth and crawl and sit up without assistance in time.

Griffin rolled over for the first time the other day and it was a celebration!  I found myself wondering if he was supposed to do that sooner?  But, then I remind myself that Griffin is rarely on the floor.  He is often times in my lap or in the moby.  Then, I ask myself... am I stunting his growth and development as a little human because I hold him so much?  The answer to that question... No.  I enjoy his company (most days) and he likes to be with me.  Spoiled?  No, infants don't have the brain capacity to realize that they are being spoiled.  Griffin just knows that I love him.  Let me reassure you though, that we have been spending a lot more time on the floor, playing with toys that move and make sounds when you touch them.  We are working on motor skills.  We are working on tummy time.  We are just working.  Griffin will be a tiny human who will be loved.  He will be a tiny human who will develop at his own rate.  He will be a tiny human who allows his body to tell him when it's ready to do those expectations.. those milestones... those achievements that my husband and I wait for.


  1. I can empathize with you. I did the same thing throughout Caleb's first year of life and I catch myself doing it sometimes as well. Your little one will develop in his own time. And if he were "behind" in anything, you'd know it and it would be very obvious. Just enjoy the milestones and try really hard not to compare him to others. :) Oh, and your holding him will certainly not stunt his development. Babies were meant to be held.

  2. If I believed statistics, I would have driven myself into a panic! My Gabe was soooo unbelievably slow , developmental- wise. He didn't roll over till 5 mos . Sat unassisted at 8 mos, crawled at 11 3/4 mos, walked at 16 mos!!! And didn't talk more than five words till he was 2 1/2. Unbelievably, after all that, he did potty train all on his own in one day- 2 mos away from 3 yrs. And now at 6 yrs old, he is one of the smartest kids you'd ever meet :) it's true. They won't do it unt they are ready. In their own time :)
