Sunday, January 2, 2011

Parent Paranoia

Oh The paranoia of parenting...... I often times find myself wondering what is the reason for certain behaviors Griffin has.  For example, why he was up so late one night or why he has all of a sudden started putting his hands up by his ears.Is he teething?  Is it an ear infection?  Or has he just discovered the fact that he has ears and wanted to always play with them.  I do this a lot.  I find myself making excuses for the things he does to justify what, I'm not sure.  I really just need to realize that infants do things just because.  There isn't always an answer to the questions I'm asking in my head... or even out loud to anyone who will listen.  I am a person who needs answers and reasons why.  I am structured and a little obsessive compulsive.  I have learned (slowly learning is a better description) to let things go a little.  When Griffin is up late, I need to just let that be.  By the time 10:30 rolls around, I'm frustrated and pissy.  I have to tell myself that it's just the way his body is working tonight and let it go.  Some nights are harder than others, I will admit. 

I need to go with the flow.  Infants change on a daily basis.  Because he did something one day, does not mean he will do the exact same thing tomorrow or a week from now.  Eventually, I'll learn and be okay with things as I grow as a parent. Hopefully.........


  1. Your Griffin sounds a lot like my 2. Both were CRABS in their infant months. Olivia lasted about 4 months and Gabe about 6! I never had one of those "good" babies you hear people brag about all the time, and you just want to smack 'em, lol (the people, not the babies :p). I know, that is probably not so reassuring to hear right now, but know that it does get better. Honest! A year from now, this will all be a distant memory.

  2. I agree, you really have to take each day as new. Geez, they basically do something new each day anyway...
