Monday, December 13, 2010

Over the river and through the woods.........

Ahh, so there I was, sitting in the back seat of my husband's two door Nissan with my finger in the dam also known as Griffin's mouth.  If my finger got loose we'd be deafened by the outrageous sound of his cries.  We were just hoping for a nap....

A nap was what we got.  Thankfully.  A three hour nap at that.  A glorious respite.  Well from Griffin at least.  The dog- another story.  I found myself shhhh-ing the dog and telling him it was okay, similar to what I do to soothe Griffin.  I also even started patting his back.

A quick stop at the Maryland House rest stop was all we needed on our four and a half hour trek to my parent's house.

Overall, the ride was a success.  It went far better then I expected considering that every other time we're in the car we are entertained with a wide range of screams, cries, whimpers and whines.  And yes, there is a difference.  Before parenthood, I would have thought otherwise.  I could even say we arrived with a happy, smiley baby.  Of course his G-ma would say that it was strictly because he was visiting her.... which is probably very true.

So, over the river and through the woods to G-ma's house we went... and it went very well.  Now let's hope that the trip back is nothing different.

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