Monday, December 13, 2010

A true love........ my Moby Wrap

Oh how I love thee........

I would just like to scream from the rooftops....  or my current location of the computer chair, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Moby Wrap.  I now know, that I shall never leave the house without it.  And if for some reason I do, I will make a valiant effort to turn back for it.

Today, while at my parent's house, without our hero the swing, Griffin would not go down for a nap long enough to stave off the crankiness.  Solution... Moby Wrap!  I strapped that sucker on and got Griffin situated.  I rocked, bounced, swayed him to a blissful sleep.  Within 10 minutes or less, he was sound asleep, nuzzled against my breasts.  To him, he was in Heaven!

Without my Moby Wrap, I know that I could have and would have gotten him to sleep, but not the type of sleep that would allow him to completely relax and get some serious shut eye.  I now rely on that thing to help make my life a little easier.  Isn't that the way things work..... anything to make life easier.  I have said it many times, but that Moby Wrap is my solution to a lot of things.  It just does the trick.  So, to all you Mommy-to Be's out there..... I strongly encourage you to purchase a Moby.  It may look difficult to wear, but worth the little bit of hassle to get situated.  It's a baby carrier that allows you the closest hold with your baby.  Without mine, I think I would definitely have less hair than I do now- which I'm pretty positive, my husband wouldn't be too happy about.


  1. We forgot the sling once and it felt like forgetting my wallet or cell phone or *cough-cough* the sucker. I was really happy it worked so well out shopping but was surprised at how handy it comes in at home. I even got a little yard work done a few weeks ago. I'll be sad when she gets too big!

  2. Moby's aren't my fav but Miranda loves my sling. I am considering an ergo. I don't rely on the sling for her so I think the transition will be fine. Glad you found a little 'helper'
